Software API Setup Instructions
How to Access the Machine Transcription API
The Software API is a synchronous API which means sending the audio and receiving the transcribed text will take place in the same http(s) call to our API. The longer the audio file, the longer your application will need to wait to receive the transcribed text.
You will need the following from VoiceCloud:
- Customer ID (CUSTID)
- Location of the API (APIURL)
- Developer Key (DEVKEY)
You will then make a GET or POST request to APIURL and send the required variables:
- customerid (CUSTID)
- devkey (DEVKEY)
- url (URL to your audio file)
The Result
The result will be an XML output that looks like:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″? >
<text>Hi, this is a test message, goodbye.</text>
- result value of OK means the transcription was successful
- text will contain the transcribed text
- confidence is a percentage score of the transcription quality
- credits are how many credits remaining in your account.
- audio files must be single channel .wav files, preferably 8bit, 16khz